Before the first Non-Rep Trial and Trial 1, there will be a mandatory information session that will start at the beginning of the trial. All athletes must have at least one parent/caregiver at this session.
As a part of the players' selection policy, all who trial must acknowledge that they & their parents (if minors) are prepared to operate within the policy & guidelines set out in the 2024 Basketball Illawarra Representative
Please note that players may be cut from the trial squad at any time during the trial period.
Squad lists will be posted on the TEAM SQUAD LIST (on the rep page) by Tuesday 5 pm following each trial.
Trial registrations for the Boys will close at 3 pm on October 27.
Trial registrations for the Girls will close at 3 pm on November 3.
New trialist information
Any athlete who was not in the Basketball Illawarra Junior rep Program in 2023 must attend the non-rep trial session.
2023 Rep Players
Athletes who were in the Basketball Illawarra Junior rep Program in 2023, do not attend the non-rep trial they go straight to Trial 1. Including Rep23 Development teams and Development Players.
Exemption Information
If an athlete cannot attend any of the trial sessions, they need to apply for an exemption to the Development Manager at developmentmanager@snakepit.com.au. With the reason and some supporting documents.
Transfer Rules
Players who previously played representative basketball at another association must complete the Intent to Trial form HERE. If the Intent to Trial form is not completed, the player will not be allowed to trial.
There are limits to the number of transfer players we can take into our program each year. Exemptions for families that have relocated to the area are potentially available. Please let us know before the trials if this is the case.
What to Bring:
Drink Bottle
Basketball (if you have one)
Reversible Training Singlet (if you have one)
Sweat Towel
Sporting Closed Shoes
Dates and Times
All sessions are at the Snakepit Wollongong. 37 Foley St, Gwynneville NSW 2500
2024 Rep Trials U12s Boys
Age: U12s Year of birth 2013, 2014 and 15
Location: The Snakepit Stadium
Non-Rep Trial: Sunday 29th October (8:30am-10am) New Athletes - Rep23 Athletes do not need to attend this trial
Trial 1: Sunday 5th November (8am-10am)
Trial 2: Sunday 12th November (8am-10am)
2024 Rep Trials U12s Girls
Age: U12s Year of birth 2013, 2014 and 15
Trial 1: Sunday 5th November (8am-10am)
Trial 2: Sunday 12th November (8am-10am)
2024 Rep Trials U14 Boys
Age: U14s Year of birth 2011 and 2012
Non-Rep Trial: Sunday 29th October (11:00 am-1:00 pm) New Athletes Trial Only - Rep23 Basketball Illawarra Athletes do not need to attend this trial.
Trial 1: Sunday 5th November (11:00 am-1:00 pm)
Trial 2: Sunday 12th November (11:00 am-1:00 pm)
2024 Rep Trials U14s Girls
Age: U14s Year of birth 2011 and 2012
Trial 1: Saturday 4th November (10:30am-12:30pm)
Trial 2: Saturday 11th November (10:30am-12:30pm)
2024 Rep Trials U16s Boys
Age: U16s Year of birth 2010 and 2009
Non-Rep Trial: Sunday 29th October (2:00 pm-4:00 pm) New Athletes Trial Only - Rep23 Basketball Illawarra Athletes do not need to attend this trial.
Trial 1: Sunday 5th November (2pm-4pm)
Trial 2: Sunday 12th November (2pm-4pm)
2024 Rep Trials U16s Girls
Age: U16s Year of birth 2010 and 2009
Trial 1: Saturday 4th November (1:30 pm-3:30 pm)
Trial 2: Saturday 11th November (1:30 pm-3:30 pm)
2024 Rep Trials U18s Boys
Age: U18s Year of birth 2008 and 2007
Non-Rep Trial: Sunday 29th October (5:00 pm-7:00 pm) New Athletes Trial Only - Rep23 Basketball Illawarra Athletes do not need to attend this trial.
Trial 1: Sunday 5th November (5:00 pm-7:00 pm)
Trial 2: Sunday 12th November (5:00 pm-7:00 pm)
2024 Rep Trials U18s Girls
Age: U18s Year of birth 2008 and 2007
Trial 1: Saturday 4th November (4:30 pm-6:30 pm)
Trial 2: Saturday 11th November (4:30 pm-6:30 pm)